How to Do forgiveness
Three small words "I forgive you," but what if you don't, really? Are some forms of violation or abuse simply too grievous and traumatic to qualify for forgiveness? At what point does a magnanimous gesture turn into self-betrayal? When the issue of forgiveness reaches this level of complexity, it is time to move beyond mere words toward a means of healing. In some cases that means forgiving yourself before you can forgive a perpetrator.
00:21 Chinese character for Forgiveness: Woman/Mouth/Heart
00:42 Story: I can't forgive my father
05:11 When does an argument begin?
06:23 Do you want to be Right, or Happy?
10:15 How do you Do forgiveness?
11:49 The desire for justice
12:56 Forgiveness vs Justice
17:20 Forgiveness serves both you and the other person
18:45 Story: A father's forgiveness
25:36 An expert at beating yourself up
27:17 Prajna - Divine Consciousness
29:32 Male gynos will never fully understand mothering
31:00 To Do forgiveness, make a choice to not suffer
32:24 Story of two Buddhist monks carry a woman across a river
35:48 Start by forgiving yourself
39:04 Relationship of Soul Retrieval to Attachment
46:00 2-minute meditation
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