Freedom; American by choice
Don't be the warden of your own prison. Take back the power to make choices in your own best interest. Freedom isn't free, it requires effort. So, take responsibility for your choices; speak up, speak out.
00:25 Freedom; American by choice
02:10 Life as a resident alien
05:07 From resident alien to citizen
10:20 Dual citizenship?
12:43 Foreign passport holder (in Malaysia)
15:55 Home is where you park your stuff
17:45 Freedom of spirit
20:14 You are your own prison warden
22:52 Different locations, same energy
24:05 Water as energy
25:29 Freedom isn't free: Take back the power to make your own choices
30:43 Choices vs Excuses
33:53 To lead children toward freedom, teach them to take responsibility
36:01 To avoid giving freedom away; speak up, speak out
39:02 Freedom with responsibility
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